Sunday, May 16, 2010

Today was difficult. I watched my mom and dad's eyes fill with tears as we watched the poorest people in Haiti sing together loudly under tarps for shade. The neighborhood is LaSaline, the place where mudpies are a child's only meal and water is hard to come by. Instead of asking us for money like most kids do downtown, they asked for our water. This afternoon we will go back with a meal for 500 people. We are prepared for chaos because we know that these people need food so badly. More thoughts from others to come soon. -Amy


  1. singing in la saline -- must have been an incredible moment... may God bless and sustain those precious people -- and you, His willing servants. Had to smile when I read about the beanie babies -- how sweet!!! Bless you all...

  2. thanks nancy. we've talked often about how much we miss you. wish you were here.
